When I was at the SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas in October, I was taking a break upstairs in one of the oversized comfy chairs in the conference center. A gentleman approached me, informed me he was a member of “the press”, and asked me if I would mind being interviewed. Besides being interviewed for the local newspaper when I was 7 because of my participation in the E.K. Powe Elementary School canned food drive, this might be one of the only times in my life I can remember being officially interviewed by a member of “the press”. It turns out the person who interviewed me was Paul Krill, Editor at Large for InfoWorld. Having the memory of a fruitfly, I promptly forgot about that exchange until today when I was going through the business cards of people I met at the conference. I decided to see if I ever had, unbeknownst to me, my 15 minutes of fame. It turns out my response was indeed captured for posterity in a blog posting by Mr. Krill:
Why Developers like SharePoint 2010
I guess I can now say that I am on the record for liking SharePoint 2010. 🙂