Savvy Insights.
Creating Retention Rules that Work
Thanks to everyone who came to hear Marty Hansen and I present our lecture "Step 1: Create Retention Rules that Work" lecture, whether you heard us in Kansas City this [...]
How Do I Connect to That?
For those who attended my "How Do I Connect to That?" lecture in Chicago on Thursday and in Kansas City today, thanks for coming! Here's the slide deck. [slideshare id=72515458&doc=howdoiconnecttothat-170223192401]
Mind Manager 2012
The fine folks at Mindjet have allowed me to peruse a couple of their products: Mind Manager 2012 and Connect SP. The best way to sum up this product is [...]
Becky’s Great Midwest Tour, December 2011
After taking some time off from public speaking after the birth of my daughter in May, I'm back at it! I'll be speaking at the three upcoming events in December: [...]
The SharePoint Shepherd
Rob Bogue is a SharePoint MVP who is well-known for one of the only published books out there written for SharePoint end-users (as opposed to the myriad of books written [...]
Rolling Up Only Certain Events to a Master Calendar
Often times, companies and organizations want to have a "master" calendar which shows all the important events for a given timeframe. Some of these events might originate from other calendars. [...]
“Column ‘_dlc_Exempt’ does not exist” Error
I've been writing code that will create a new content type in the site collection root with a retention policy, the create a new library using that content type. I [...]
Applying Document Retention in SharePoint 2010
If you’re like me, you have a bookcase somewhere in your office where you keep books and documents that you want easy access to because you might want to reference [...]
Woohoo! I'm back for another year. Just got word this weekend that I've been renewed as a SharePoint MVP. Thanks, Microsoft!
Creating a Setup Project to Install a SharePoint Solution Package
It's an unconventional requirement, but I needed to create an MSI that would install a SharePoint solution package to a SharePoint server farm, as well as add a registry entry [...]
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