Savvy Insights.
Wiki Doesn’t Work in Sites Without an s4-workspace DIV tag
I've been building an Intranet site for a client, and that Intranet utilizes the Publishing features of SharePoint. Because the site is being used primarily for displaying web content, the [...]
Query String Filter Consumer Web Part
I wanted to write a web part that consumes query string data that gets passed to it by the Query String Filter web part. Unfortunately, te current SharePoint 2010 documentation [...]
5 Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks for New SharePoint Developers
I'm currently working with a team of very talented ASP.NET developers who are diving into SharePoint development for the first time. They've raised some very common questions regarding errors they've [...]
Using Rich Image, Rich Link, and Rich HTML controls in an application page
I currently have a client who is using SharePoint in a rather unconventional way; although they want to use the publishing features of SharePoint, they wanted to provide their own [...]
So You’re Building an Intranet Slide Deck
Thanks for those of you who attended my session at SharePoint Saturday Chicago this last weekend. Here's my slide deck, for those who are interested. [slideshare id=35280962&doc=soyourebuildinganintranet-140529165223-phpapp01]
SharePoint Saturday Dallas
I just found out I'm confirmed to present at SharePoint Saturday Dallas on November 13. I'll be doing two presentations: Building Web Content Management Solutions with SharePoint 2010, and "So, You're [...]
On Becoming an MVP
I am very grateful to Microsoft for their having awarded me MVP status for a second year. I think the top two things I appreciate about being an MVP are [...]
Improving Web Part Performance by Creating a Base Page Layout Type
I'm currently working with a client who is using Publishing pages to host a number of custom Web Parts on their page. A number of these web parts need information [...]
MVP Again
I just found out today that I've renewed as a SharePoint Server MVP. Thanks, Microsoft!
Upcoming Events
After a month or two off, we're going to be having another one of our SharePoint MVP chats on Wednesday, September 29, at 11 a.m. CDT. This is your chance [...]
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