
Savvy Insights.

Microsoft Certified Trainer 2019-2020

July 31, 2019|

I just renewed my Microsoft Certified Trainer credentials. Being an MCT allows me to deliver official Microsoft curriculum. Additionally, I'm happy to create custom training to your organization surrounding topics [...]

Alive at Work

April 8, 2019|

Do you ever have those days when you hit the ground running, when you feel excited about what you do, when you feel like you make a difference? Daniel M. [...]

NACS ’19 Recap

March 18, 2019|

This last weekend I spoke at the North American Collaboration Summit. I've lost track but I think this was my 5th time speaking at SharePoint Saturday Ozarks/SharePointalooza/NACS. I always love [...]

Microsoft Role-Based Certifications

February 28, 2019|

Microsoft has recently released a slew of new exams that center around what it calls Role-Based Certification. According to the site, Role-based certifications help you to better align your skills [...]

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